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Friday, March 14, 2014

CAP 97

 New cap today, but first I would like to ramble about stuff:

 Happy Friday everyone. (It is Saturday night/ Sunday morning) just before the time change as I type this. I so do not like daylight savings time. lol. So, Friday. That means as you are reading this, my spring break is about to be over :( I hope everyone whose spring break was this week (or sooner) had a great one and anyone whose is coming up, I hop you have a great one and I wish you a happy spring to everyone (though spring starts later this month in reality.)

 Cap 97, wow just 3 more to go til I hit 100 caps! Amazing! This one is Mermaid Tide. Been awhile since I did one of those and thought it was appropriate for it to be back in this celebration as it is my FAVORITE caption universe that I have created.

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