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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Boybusters: Finale!

A day early! It is time for the Summer Event! I just could not wait. Technically, It begins tomorrow night, BUT I am calling this a "PREVIEW NIGHT!" ;D 

BOYBUSTERS! I suggest you click the boybusters label here in this post to see the first 2 parts and then enjoy this finale as I feel you need to have read the other two parts to enjoy this one! And yes I plan to do a "spin-off" one day especially after this ending which I had not planned when starting the series. In fact, I planned to do four parts, not three back then.

Friday, May 30, 2014


 MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE TRANSGENDER CONTINUES AND CONCLUDES! I am reprinting Part 1 of the MOTU arc as this Monday and Tuesday , I will be posting parts 2 and 3, finally concluding it. So enjoy this recap. I will see you in June for my caps event!

Update: you will get TWO CAPS on the first, and one will be PART TWO, PART THREE will be posted on MONDAY!

I will let you know this is my last repost, but you might want to look at my Aladdin tg, Boybusters, and Marvel TG as I will be returning to those this summer as well. The only reason that I am returning to these finally is to finally conclude "unfinished" story arcs!
Though there are many new and original caps coming as well. As well as milestones which include the 25'th Mermaid Tide cap and maybe even my 200th cap! but that is only a guess on my part, but very likely!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Reposting all of the previous Horrorverse parts today. Why? The conclusion to the Horrorverse will be kicking off the Summer Event, So I decided to repost all of the previous parts in one handy post. Next Halloween I might do this again but add the new one.

 Here is Part One:

This was the second one in the series:
Here is the most recent, at least until Sunday:

 Remember the Summer Event Kicks off on June 1'st! This Sunday and I chose to NOT do any reposts of any kind so if a Mermaid Tide cap is here, its here first and not the MT blog. If I had done it any other way, then it would defeat the event and except for the 25'th Mermaid Tide cap, i have no plans on posting any of them here anyway. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2014


OK this might not be a deliberate sequel and doesn't use the original characters, but it fit the original to be a sequel. That's why the cap doesn't say The necklace II, i called it A new necklace because I remembered that I had done a necklace cap before, but once I reread the first cap, I realized that they both had uncanny resemblances and made it a sequel. Now the question is why is the old man just doing necklaces now and how do I get one :P

Friday, May 23, 2014


Originally planned as the first cap of my summer cap event, i have decided to release it a little over a week early, hope you like this cap.

 This cap using at the end Elrod W's Bikini Beach, if he would like me to remove that from this cap, just E-MAIL me and I gladly will, but used it as a tribute to a wonderful universe!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


 June 1st - August 1st New Caps EVERYDAY GUARANTEED! I'll see you then :) 
and sorry its been so long but I've been busy and this is the longest new caps guarantee I've ever done so I hope you enjoy it!
EDIT: I just added a "teaser" for the event, you'll notice it's a modified version of my "SPRING EVENT" teaser.
Also fans of my other blogs should know new caps for those blogs are also planned but might appear here first OR they might appear here a day  or two later if I need content for a day but I will promise reprints on this blog will be a minimum and will be only caps that have never been on this blog and made this summer :) I hope this will not be necessary though and expect the opposite (caps here before other blogs) but we will see. Off to cap. See you all in JUNE!