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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


 Second time writing this as I'm half asleep (busy hectic day today) so no more captions tonight BUT I'LL make it up to you.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

                                                              MEET ALEX !!!!!!!!

I tried a new style this time, not sure its me but hope you all enjoy it. Part 2 if there is one would probably be in my normal style.

 Also as I have said before if I miss a day I make up for it :)

 Oh and why I chose revenge for a tag is due to my current plan for the sequel.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Lexie Saga Has Returned

 Yes I know I missed an update on WED after saying i was back on schedule :( To make it up to you? I decided to return to my very first caption universe. Yep thats right I've returned to Lexie saga, the universe that very first caption took place in and the greatest part?  Theres more Lexie Saga On its way.


Monday, June 17, 2013

 You probably noticed a few changes, for summer only I changed the page's logo and my cap logos. Also as of today, the animal of the week will change every week. Might be changing some more stuff for summer but I don't know yet.
 Heres a cap I did for Chelsea Baker over at the haven. Due to writers block and rl issues i'm way behind on capbacks there sio most of my caps in the next week or two should be capbacks depending on how long it takes me to catch up.                                                                                                                                                                               



I added this after a few flaws in the story were mentioned:

 "I should have clarified in the cap I admit, but by reptilian, I was seeing humanoid reptiles in this case I was seeing female version of the Spider-man villian the lizard. As you can see in the pic, the hands might be bigger due to claws but the arms are like a human. I usually try to stay vague sometimes in order to get the reader to use their imagination and then in other cases i just plain forget that people will imagine something so different that it doesn't make sense. Smiley "

And here is a pic of the Lizard:

Saturday, June 15, 2013

mermaid tide : new changes!

 A week later than I planned but updates return (expect more caps soon) because of my life being hectic I chose to [post a Mermaid Tide here. I promised I'd do one more on this site before they would just be on the MT blog. The recent MT caps didn't fit here hence I didn't choose those but this one I felt did especially since the pic is not a mermaid :)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

 Hi I'm back! Sorry I missed so many updates but real life issues! My sisters anniversary of her death :( , heat waves and no ac, quiting smoking (on day 4), a friend visiting short notice from out of town, and many more things have happened in the last few months, BUT I'm back and the update schedule will retun to normal begining this weekend :)