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Monday, March 18, 2013


 I have 4 new caps today so far. The Fury one will have more in that universe featuring other heroes, the other two are stand alones. It felt good to get back to the basics and not do caps in a series or those two :)  .
 This one though is part of two universes, 3 wishes (yes i paid attention to my old poll.) and a new universe Pinkalot which you'll see is very similar to a famous legend hehe.




Thursday, March 14, 2013

Leprechaun's Gold...

 Here's one I just posted for Dawn(March 12'ths Guest cap)  on the Haven.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

 Here is a cap did for Wraithstrike over at the haven

 This one I did for Jeannie also over at the haven. Note: Due to size constraints the one there was poor quality but I chose to post the Bigger Original version here.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

GUEST CAP: Jeaneology

 Today I have a cap Dawn did for me over at the haven, if you'd like to see more of her work you can go to her blog at: or you can click the link in my blog list on the left.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

 Today I have two new caps and one (3008) is the first part in a series. The reason this is called robot reality is because there will be 2 alternate realities in 3008, one with aliens, the other with robots. The other caption I'm not a huge fan of as I  wrote it half asleep this morning while bored. Hope you like them both though and expect 3008: Aliens! to begin soon and more 3008: Robots! even soonerrr. Also expect more caps here and at my mermaid tide blog more regularly as I seem to be back in a capping mood and got my muse back as the creativity is flowing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013