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Friday, July 10, 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Starting today, every week I will use as the logo a classic one to celebrate this blog being here for over 2 years (it'll be technically 3 in August and this is part of that 3 year celebration!) So I hope you enjoy the memories. (BTW I will also be using my other blogs' logos that I have had (since they mostly merged here) that I still have. This will continue until the three year anniversary in August and I will also be using logos for universes like Mill Girls or Horrorverse and making new ones all to celebrate! I also hope to have a lot of caps to post on the actual anniversary date but who knows, we shall see!
So I was saving this cap and discovered that there might be an unpublished cap I did some time back. I will be releasing "FANG EMPIRE" tomorrow/ tonight around midnight. If it has been previously published I apologize, but I could not find it here so I decided to publish it to be safe!
I lan to start posting daily (M-F) starting next week, but alas no promises due to school work! But there is only 8 more weeks and then BOOM! I should ONCE again be back to daily updates (7 days a week mostly) all summer break long! :D
So here is what could end up being a new series. I really want to delve more into this story's universe.
Lastly, I have a collector blog that has also been neglected sadly and will start weekly updates at least starting next week hopefully.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Ok a little explanation is needed. I planned to not do epic tales as I never finish them, but I am making an exception in this case as I need to do away with certain elements (Mary Lynn, the druids) to evolve this universe and to continue doing caps in it. For those fearing this is it for this universe, do not worry as I have plans for Pink-A-Lot after this. In fact this will affect Fairy-Tale-Ville as well.
I am not saying anymore as I do not ruin the surprise.
Now, here is a sneak peek of a new project coming soon:

Saturday, January 17, 2015
DC TG is back, but now it is set in the animated universe :)
This version is thanks to Poison Ivy and not Scarecrow and this is animated universe without many heroines and villianesses (like Harley Quinn) - at leas not yet. Expect more in this universe over time. I also plan at LEAST two more parts in "Batwoman Begins" but wanted to do the first two parts at the same time and give it an ending just in case I never get back to it!
Now without further ado, DC TG PT 01
Also, here's a sneak preview of something coming (oh and yes this will be a guaranteed caps event) I know I messed up on the previous two, but let's remember all others I did come through for. Oh these are all going to be about love, but some could be a man loves another man's wife and turns the husband into a woman to get the wife and so on... So there will be many different possibilities.
Before we get to this cap, ANOTHER BRAND NEW CAP is being posted today, in 12 hours! This one is DC TG. Wow, 3 re-posts (all are new to this blog), and 2 all new caps. I guess I actally started the 5 updates a week this week and all in 24 hours lol. Expect the regular schedule to be 5 days a week, this was just a coincidence!
This was posted on "The Best Of Alexis" and the now closng blog. Although it has been posted so much and therefore I almost skipped it, it is important and ties to the upcoming "Fall Of Pink-A-Lot" arc, so I decided to re-post this cap here.
If you followed the 2014 countdown on my "Alexis' Best" blog, then this cap will look familiar as it was the new cap that concluded it after midnight, so why post it here? Well, because that was the plan all along and I even said it would be here later in January! Fairy Tale Ville Returns!
Next week, an all new never before seen Pink-A-Lot cap (I MEAN IT THIS TIME AS IT HAS ALREADY BEEN SCHEDULED)!
I promised that "Mermaid Tide" would feature the Siren once again from now on, but would continue the "re-boot" idea but under the name "THE TIDE". Well, here is the now finished "first" chapter/ ( I say "first" as it is the origin and takes place before the previously released one in this universe! I did the first half of this cap long ago and just finished it today, so that is why the text is different as is the size as I now use a different font and size as my default due to school.
Also, expect a Pink-A-Lot cap on Tuesday, it's already finished so I can promise that it should be up then.
I promised that "Mermaid Tide" would feature the Siren once again from now on, but would continue the "re-boot" idea but under the name "THE TIDE". Well, here is the now finished "first" chapter/ ( I say "first" as it is the origin and takes place before the previously released one in this universe! I did the first half of this cap long ago and just finished it today, so that is why the text is different as is the size as I now use a different font and size as my default due to school.
Also, expect a Pink-A-Lot cap on Tuesday, it's already finished so I can promise that it should be up then.
Friday, January 16, 2015
STAR WARS and this blog is changing back to old format.
So the return of Alexis' Magic TG caps and making this blog into art only was a failure. Though this blog continues to get many views each post and day, the new blog gets 2 or 3 views. Plus even with online classes it s hard to manage multiple caption blogs. So, the two blogs will be merging again, this means more posts more frequently! I will start bringing the few caps from there to here and starting next week, expect at least 5 updates a week! Also i will not be doing this again, any new blogs will be no caps or at leas non TG as from now on all my caps will either be here or on TG CAPS (though some will be on Rachel's Haven first, I don't count that as those caps all come here eventually!) Starting next week, this blog will return to being
"Alexis' Magic TG Caps" HERE IS WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAP OF 2015, it was originally
posted on the closing blog.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
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